Sunday, March 28, 2010

AYV Training Requires Closing Clubhouse

The NWAC Intel Computer Clubhouse will be closed from April 5 - 15, 2010.

I announced a few months ago that our clubhouse has been awarded the Adobe Youth Voices (AYV) grant. This is an exciting opportunity that will give our clubhouse enough copies of the Adobe CS4 software for all of our computers. This package includes Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Premiere, and more. These programs are awesome for graphic design, photography, web design, video editing and movie making projects. Right now, the only computer in the clubhouse with all of these programs is the one primarily used by Donovan. And as far as I can see, he only uses Photoshop (which he is very good at), but it would be nice to see some of the other programs being used.

I hope that all of you are looking forward to the creative projects that we will be able to produce with this new software. If you are not familiar with these programs, take the time to investigate each of them and know what types of projects can be produced using Photoshop, or Flash, or InDesign, or Primiere. You might also learn that you can do a variety of projects that use a combination of these programs. Check out some of the projects done by other AYV participants. The AYV motto is "Create With Purpose". We have the tools, let's put our brains to the task of planning meaningful projects about our neighborhood, our school, our city, state, country, and planet. We can use InDesign to create a magazine; and Adobe Premiere to create documentaries and short films; and Adobe Dreamweaver for awesome websites. Think about the projects you want to create and you can learn the software needed to create it. I don't know exactly when we will receive the software, but I will be going to Atlanta next week to receive training, so I should know more when I return. I am hoping that the software will be available shortly after the training.

So take note: The clubhouse will be closed April 5 - 15. It will reopen with a new schedule on Monday, April 19. I will be announcing the schedule change throughout the remainder of April, with the new schdule will be fully enforced beginning on May 3rd.

1 comment:

Number1Blogger said...

My mom would like to discuss with you about how to write grants and getting scolarships for her and my sister. She would like to have a one on one talk with you about this so please reply to this comment as soon as possible.