Sunday, June 27, 2010
Welcome to Week One!
I want to let all of my new students know that I'm happy to have you in the clubhouse. We do fun learning so I think you'll like it here. I'm looking forward to the creativity you will bring. I can already say that I am impressed with Mayowa Olorunsola, who drew a picture while his dad completed his application. That's a good member for this clubhouse. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! He is off to a great start because on each attendance you are required to draw. You might as well like doing it. I'm also excited and happy that I will have some great help again this summer. I am very pleased that Patricia and Herschel are home from college and they want to volunteer in the clubhouse. I know you can learn alot from either of them. Be sure to thank them for volunteering.
Another requirement that you have is for you to read this blog immediately after you sign in and boot up your computer. I will be posting assignment sheets on this blog so you can link to them or pick up a printed copy from me. Unlike during the school year, when I would write this blog each week, during the summer program I may post a message each day, so it is your responsibility to check this blog each day.
This is Week One so we will mostly be getting to know the rules and requirements. Which means collecting a bunch of handouts. Everyone should have a clear-view, 3-ring binder. Answer this question: What do we do in the clubhouse? If you don't know the answer, you soon will. I know all my old members should know the answer, so if you are new, you aren't expected to know. But you need a binder.
I look forward to some awesome creativity coming from all of you! We will have contests and win prizes! So I know that everyone is going to want to do their best! I'm excited that Keyona is in the clubhouse again this summer. She completed a story for every item on the Write About handout last summer and she won a prize. Way to go, Keyona!
I'm not going to announce what the prizes are but there will be awards given for:
Best Original Artwork (something you drew or created by hand)
Best Computer-Generated Artwork (something created using a software app like Photoshop, Bryce, Paint, TPS, InDesign, this list is really long, you could even use Word)
Digital Photography (Can you capture a picture that speaks to the viewer?)
Short Film (live performance)
Short Film (animation or stop-action animation)
and possibly others.
We have software and training tools that will help us in making great projects. Who is up to the challenge to write a script, get other members to act it, and ultimately produce a film? You probably aren't, yet, since this is the first week, but keep it in mind as we venture out to shot video. Some of you may want to go back and read some of my earlier post, especially the ones about AYV and Creating with Purpose. During the school year we were not successful at implementing Field Trip Fridays, but beginning next Friday, we will be doing off-site photo and video shoots. If all goes as planned, we will use the following schedule:
July 9 - Cultural Center: Wayne State University, Library, Museum
July 23 - Downtown: Comerica Park, People Mover, Campus Martius ($5)
August 6 - Detroit Zoo (ages under 15 = $10; 15+ = 15
August 20 - Belle Isle Park - Final Day Picnic
Please note that you will have to have your own transportation to and from the site. Also, parents and guests are welcome to participate.
You must leave a comment about this blog post. You can ask questions or tell me about your interests or concerns. Let me know what you think about the computer clubhouse and again, Welcome!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Summer Program Sign-up
I want everyone to know about the following three things:
1) Summer Schedule
2) Summer Projects
3) Youth Mentors
The Summer Schedule will begin on June 28 and end on August 20. The hours will remain the same (3:30 - 7:00), however, (thanks to Kenyae) I have decided to include a Boys Only Day. I resisted against it since I'm not a boy, but Kenyae wore me down. So, I'm ready to see how it goes. The following is the daily schedule:
Monday - Girls Only
Tuesday - Girls & Boys
Wednesday - Boys Only
Thursday - Girls & Boys
Every other Friday - AYV Activity
Summer Projects
If you think you want to participate in the summer program, make sure you know that you will have to do several projects each week. The Adobe Creative Suite contains over 10 programs, we will be learning to use Photoshop, InDesign, Flash, Fireworks and Premiere. The list of projects will include:
- 2 Write Abouts (1 pager; 14pt max.)
- 1 PowerPoint (start at 7 slides and increase 1 each week)
- 2 Drawing projects (1 on paper; 1 on pc)
- 1 Bryce
- 1 Photoshop
- 1 The Print Shop / Publisher / InDesign
- 1 Flash
- Digital Photography (3-5 shots; max.10)
- 1 Premiere
There are lost of other software programs (Scratch, Pivot, etc) that you can explore and learn, as well as the opportunity to do individual activities, like sew, make jewelry, do arts and crafts, build with Legos, and more. Let me know if you want to sign up.
Youth Mentors
The summer is a great time for teen-aged, high school members to help out in the clubhouse. You can gain valuable knowledge and skills by assisting younger members to learn software. You must commit to a schedule and think of this opportunity like it is a job. You can fulfill a DPS graduation requirement by gaining community service hours. Most youth mentors are able to gain over 100 community service hours by helping during the summer. The number of youth mentors needed is only about 5 or 6. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, please let me know as soon as possible.
I'm looking forward to a summer filled with creative learning. I hope you are, too. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.